Heard of these 3? What’s the most important commonality between them? Favorite? Let’s hear your thoughts as we’re working on this section in the book....EXPLORING WINE REGIONS BORDEAUX 2020

Heard of these 3? What’s the most important commonality between them? Favorite? Let’s hear your thoughts as we’re working on this section in the book....EXPLORING WINE REGIONS BORDEAUX 2020
Getting the shots!!! Author/Photographer hard at work. Now it’s time to put it all together and it’s looking!! Coming soon... EXPLORING WINE REGIONS BORDEAUX 2020 @ Bordeaux, France
We traveled a long way to give you a preview of the full moon you’re going to experience tonight. We take our work very seriously. (You may or may not have the same view).
Come ramble up this wonderful staircase in the most unique wine shop in the heart of downtown Bordeaux. L’Intendant Grands Vins de Bordeaux. Impressive collection of wines. You’ll be ooohing and aaaahing all the way up.
No two are ever the same. Every barrel room has its own personality. Here are 3 of many we visited while we were in Bordeaux, France. Which is your favorite?
Bonsoir and au revoir Bordeaux. It’s been a wonderful and productive trip. Lots of material for EXPLORING WINE REGIONS BORDEAUX. Lots of great wine. And food. And experiences. Many beautiful new friendship made and connected with old friends. We shall be back very...
d’Yquem 1928 Napoleon proclaimed chateaudyqem as the most expensive wine in 1855 when he established the Grand Cru Classé. Today, Château d’Yquem remains at the top of its class. This bottle can be found in the cellar of lechaponfin
Special welcome drink from the chef: tea infused with red fruits and sauternes finished with a touch of grand marnier. The warmest welcome from the entire staff at La Grande Maison. Our villa is simply elegant. Love it.
Delicious grapes...
Monsieur Jean-Francois Janoueix. A fabulous winemaker who has expanded the Janoueix empire generating fans from all over the world. He is humble and sweet and generous with his time. He is a humanitarian. He is a legend.