Getting the shots!!! Author/Photographer hard at work. Now it’s time to put it all together and it’s looking!! Coming soon... EXPLORING WINE REGIONS BORDEAUX 2020 @ Bordeaux, France

Getting the shots!!! Author/Photographer hard at work. Now it’s time to put it all together and it’s looking!! Coming soon... EXPLORING WINE REGIONS BORDEAUX 2020 @ Bordeaux, France
His & Hers. Feeling the love today and wanting to spread this great feeling. ❤️❤️ Cheers
Springtime is such a beautiful time of year.
“Natural wine is becoming a staple on many restaurant and bar lists—but many of them are not meant to be poured by the glass. Without preservatives, these wines begin to change as soon as they are introduced to oxygen. Ensure that the wine you’re ordering is at its...
"It’s hard to pinpoint when popular opinion declared that good wines must be dry, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Whether it was the recent rosé revival that taught us to value dryness in response to the bulk blush wine of a bygone era, or bad experiences...
"With "regular" wine, the grape is manipulated before it turns into a wine. Conventional winemakers use commercial yeast, filtration systems and preservatives with sulfites in the fermentation process, whereas natural winemakers say they use fewer sulfites and only...
“Building a wine collection requires personal perspective. While there are certainly consumers with investment-centered collections, the average American doesn’t necessarily start with that goal in mind. Many of us begin in earnest, with an enjoyment for drinking wine...
Most wine drinkers choose the wrong glass for their grape, and it can have a massive impact on how wine tastes and smells. And Champagne is no exception. Matt Knight, UK Business Manager and wine-tasting guru at glassware company Riedel, said there's a growing...
For better or worse, I’ve always been a white wine drinker. It’s what my mom keeps in the house — Kendall-Jackson chardonnay, to be specific — and taste, like behavior, is often learned. I’m a firm believer that wine drunk is the best drunk and that even a single...